Plant Improvement Act, 2018 (Act No. 11 of 2018)


Regulations made in terms of the Plant Improvement Act, 2018

Chapter IV: Conditions for Sale of Plants and Propagating Material

36. Marking and labelling of prepacked seed

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(1) A container in which seed referred to in regulation 35, which has been prepacked, is sold, must be marked in clearly legible symbols, letters and figures with, or be furnished with a label on which is likewise indicated—
(a)the particulars referred to in regulation 29(1)(a), (b) and (c) and (2)(a), (b) and (e);
(b)the name and address of the premises where such seed was prepacked; and
(c) the words "Prepacked Seed" if the net mass of the seed in the container concerned exceeds the mass specified in column 11 of Table 4 or if the number of seeds in the container concerned exceeds the number of seeds specified in column 12 of Table 4 opposite the name of the kind of plant concerned.


(2) An indication relating to percentage germination, percentage viability, the actual percentage pure seed or the number of normal seedlings per weight (kg) may appear on a container in which prepacked seed is sold or on a label attached to such container: Provided that the date on which the seed has been tested shall be marked in clearly legible letters on the container or on the label.


(3) If such seed is certified, the words "South African Certified Seed" and the certification number the lot concerned must be indicated if the net mass of the seed in the container concerned exceeds the mass specified in column 11 of Table 4 or, if the number of seeds in the container concerned exceeds the number of seeds specified in column 12 of said table for the kind of plant concerned.


(4) In addition to the information referred to in subregulation (1), the requirements of regulation 29(2)(a) apply with the necessary changes on prepacked seed.