Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act No. 56 of 2001)


Code of Conduct for Security Service Providers, 2003

Chapter 2 : General Obligations of Security Service Providers and Minimum Standards of Conduct

7. General obligations towards the Security Services and organs of State

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(1) A security service provider must, within his or her ability, render all reasonable assistance and co-operation to the members and employees of the Security Services to enable them to perform any function which they may lawfully perform.


(2) A security service provider may not interfere with, resist, obstruct, hinder or delay a member or an employee of a Security Service or an organ of State in the performance of a function which such person may lawfully perform.


(3) A security service provider must, without undue delay, furnish all the information and documentation to a member or employee of a Security Service or an organ of State which such member or employee may lawfully require.


(4) A security service provider may not unjustly cast reflection upon the honesty, professional reputation, skill, knowledge, service or qualifications of any member of the Security Services.


(5) A security service provider must be honest in all his or her dealings with a Security Service and with any organ of State.


(6) A security service provider may not, whether directly or indirectly, request or use a member or former member of a Security Service or any employee or former employee of a Security Service or an organ of State, to obtain any information, document, object or assistance for the purposes of rendering a security service, where such member, former member, employee or former employee, will contravene a law or the conditions of his or her service, as the case may be, in providing such information, document, object or assistance.


(7) A security service provider must, where the importance, nature or circumstances of a security service, or the nature or extent of the risks guarded against, or any other relevant fact, reasonably requires such a step, officially provide a responsible member of the Service with all relevant information regarding the rendering or proposed rendering of the security service, and maintain contact with such a member if this is reasonable and prudent in the circumstances or if so requested by such member.