Professional and Technical Surveyors' Act, 1984  (Act No. 40 of 1984)


South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors

Chapter II

2. Meetings of the council

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(1)At each ordinary meeting of the council called in terms of section 3(8)(a) of the Act and at each subsequent ordinary meeting of the council, the council shall fix the date and the place of the next ordinary meeting.


(2)A notice convening a meeting shall specify the place, date, hour and business of the meeting and shall be posted to members not later than 30 days before the date of the meeting: Provided that, in the case of a special meeting, the president may give members such notice thereof as he or she may deem sufficient.


(3)Any member desirous of proposing an amendment to these rules, or of bringing any other matter before the council, shall forward, at least six weeks before the date for which a meeting is to be convened, a written notice of motion thereof to the president, who shall ensure that such motion is included in the notice convening such meeting.


(4)Except with the unanimous consent of members present, no business other than specified in the notice convening the meeting shall be discussed or transacted at such meeting.


(5)The agenda for any meeting shall be prepared by the registrar in consultation with the president, and shall contain, as a general rule, the following—
(a)minutes of the previous ordinary meeting and of any special meeting held in the interim;
(b)matters arising out of such minutes:
(c)president's report;
(d)financial statement:
(e)report of the registrar;
(f)appointment of office-bearers;
(g)determination of registration and annual fees to be paid by a professional land surveyor, a professional surveyor, a professional surveyor in training, a surveyor, a survey technician and a survey technician in training;
(h)determination of honoraria and salaries;
(i)disciplinary matters;
(j)reports deferred from previous meetings;
(k)reports of committees;
(l)notices of motion transferred from previous meeting;
(m)new notices of motion; and
(n)other business.


(6)Any member of the council having a personal interest in a matter to be discussed at a meeting shall disclose such interest and shall recluse himself/herself.


(7)The proceedings of any meeting shall be preserved in the form of minutes, which shall be confirmed by the members of the council and authenticated by the signature of the president as soon as possible after such confirmation.


(8)The minutes of a meeting shall include a record of—
(a)the members present;
(b)such motions, and amendments thereof, as may have been adopted;
(c)any rulings of the president as to the interpretation of these rules; and
(d)at the request of any member, the names of the members voting for and against a motion or any amendment thereof, unless the voting is by ballot.


(9)Each member of the council and his or her alternate shall be supplied with a copy of the minutes as soon as they have been authenticated.


(10)All meetings shall be open to persons registered in terms of the Act, but except with the consent of the council, they shall not take part in any discussion: Provided that the council may at any time decide to go into committee to discuss any matter whereupon non-members of the council shall withdraw from the meeting.


(11)Voting on any matter shall in general be by a show of hands, and if any one member so requests the voting shall be by ballot.


(12)Notices of motion may be given to review any ruling of the president and when so resolved by the council shall constitute an instruction to the registrar to refer the matter to the council's legal advisers for an opinion.


(13)Any standing order of the council may be suspended if a motion to that effect be carried by a majority of votes.