Project and Construction Management Professions Act, 2000 (Act No. 48 of 2000)


Revised Code of Conduct for Registered Persons

1. Definitions

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In these rules, any expression or word that has been defined in the Act has that meaning, and unless the context otherwise indicates—


i. “business undertaking” means any business enterprise or entity, joint venture, consortium, association or ant such organization or entity;


ii. “Council” means the South African Council for the Project and Management Professions established by Section 2 of the Act 48 of 2000.


iii. “Information” means project and construction management documents and data produced or relied upon by the Registered Person in the performance of work that form a material part of the project records, including programmes, schedules, and management tools whether electronic format or otherwise.


iv. “Registered Persons” means persons registered in terms of the Act;


v. “the Act" means the Project and Construction Management Professions Act, 2000(Act No.48 of 2000); and


vi. “work” means any Project and Construction Management work normally