Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 (Act No. 17 of 2011)

13. Variation or setting aside of protection order

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(1)A complainant or a respondent may, upon notice to the other party and the court concerned, apply for the variation or setting aside of a protection order referred to in section 9 in the prescribed manner.


(2)If the court is satisfied that circumstances have materially changed sine the granting of the original protection order and that good cause has been shown for the variation or setting aside of the protection order, it may issue an order to this effect: Provided that the court may not grant such an application to the complainant unless it is satisfied that the application is made freely and voluntarily.


(3)The clerk of the court must forward a notice as prescribed to the complainant and the respondent if the protection order is varied or set aside as provided for in subsection (1).