Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999)


Treasury Regulations for Departments, Constitutional Institutions and Public Entities

Part 9 : Public entities

25. Application and listing

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25.1Application [Sections 47 and 76(4) of the PFMA]


25.1.1These regulations apply to all public entities listed in Schedule 2 or 3 of the Act, unless the context indicates otherwise.


25.1.2Public entities that should have been listed in terms of the Act but which are not listed, must deposit all money received into the relevant revenue fund.


25.1.3Public entities must submit all information required by the National Treasury in terms of the Act and these regulations to the Registrar of Public Entities in the National Treasury.


25.2Listing [Section 47(2) of the PFMA]


25.2.1An accounting authority of a public entity not listed in terms of the Act must submit the following information to the executive authority and the Registrar of Public Entities in support of its application for listing—
(a)name of the public entity;
(b)its main function;
(c)executive authority responsible for the public entity;
(d)legislation in terms of which the entity was established;
(e)dates of its incorporation and financial year end;
(f)names of members of the board or body controlling the public entity;
(g)its registered address and telephone numbers;
(h)name of the chief executive officer;
(i)name of the chief financial officer;
(j)name of the company secretary;
(k)authority responsible for appointing the chief executive officer;
(l)authority responsible for appointing the board of directors or controlling body;
(m)subsidiaries under the ownership control of the entity;
(n)latest audited financial statements;
(o)amount of budgetary transfers received over the past three financial years; and
(p)most recent corporate/strategic plan of the public entity.