
means an amount of money other than that forming part of the National Revenue Fund as contemplated in the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999)—

(a) which is received or held by, for or on behalf of—
(i) the Government of the Republic, including the provinces; or
(ii) any body, council, fund or account established by or under law which may, or is required to, pay, in terms of that law, such amount of money to the corporation for investment in terms of this Act; and
(b) which is not required for immediate use or as a reasonable working balance; and
(c) which is not invested or otherwise utilised, in terms of any law, otherwise than in terms of this Act; and
(d) which is not invested with the corporation referred to in section 2 of the Corporation for Public Deposits Act, 1984 (Act No. 46 of 1984),

and, except for the purposes of section 11(1), includes an amount of money received or held by, for or on behalf of a person or body referred to in that subsection;