Refugees Act, 1998 (Act No. 130 of 1998)

Chapter 3 : Application for Asylum

24A. Review by Standing Committee

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[Section 24A heading substituted by section 21 of Notice No. 1452, GG 41343, dated 18 December 2017]


(1)The Standing Committee must review any decision taken by a Refugee Status Determination Officer in terms of section 24(3)(b) and may act in terms of section 9C(1)(c) in respect of any decision taken in terms of section 24(3)(a) or (c).


(2)A review contemplated in subsection (1) must be determined by a single member or, in particular matters, such number of  members of the Standing Committee as the chairperson may consider necessary.


(3)The Standing Committee may, after having determined a review, confirm, set aside or substitute any decision taken by a Refugee Status Determination Officer in terms of section 24(3)(b).


(4)The Standing Committee must inform the Refugee Reception Office, where the application for asylum was lodged, of its decision within five working days of such decision, whereafter the Standing Committee is functus offıcio.


[Section 24A substituted by section 21 of Notice No. 1452, GG 41343, dated 18 December 2017]