Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, 1998 (Act No. 20 of 1998)


Determination of Upper Limits of Salaries, Allowances and Benefits of Different Members of Municipal Councils

9. Upper limits of allowances of full-time and part-time councillors

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The upper limits of allowances of full-time and part-time councillors, that constitute part of the annual total remuneration package, are as follows:


(1) Motor vehicle and travel allowance


(a) A councillor listed in item 5 and 8 of this Notice may, in line with applicable legislation, structure his or her basic salary to provide for motor vehicle allowance.
(b) If a councillor structures a vehicle allowance, the councillor must provide proof of ownership of a private vehicle to the municipality and have the vehicle available for official duties.
(c) A councillor who uses a privately-owned vehicle for execution of official duties on behalf of the municipality, may be reimbursed for official kilometres travelled, in addition to the total remuneration package of a councillor as determined in terms of items 5 and 8 of the Notice, not exceeding the applicable tariffs as prescribed by the national department responsible for transport and in terms of the municipal council’s policy.
(d) A councillor who utilises a privately-owned vehicle for official purposes must, for purpose of claiming kilometres travelled, keep a travel logbook containing the following information relating to actual official and private kilometres travelled per month as may be determined from time to time by the South African Revenue Service:
(i) Date of travel;
(ii) Kilometres travelled; and
(iii) Travel details, including reason for the trip, duration of the trip and departure and destination points.
(e) A councillor may, in exceptional circumstances and upon good cause shown, and with the approval of the Executive Mayor or Mayor (as the case may be) or Speaker, utilise the municipal-owned vehicle for official purposes: Provided that the municipal council must, in line with applicable legislation and approved municipal council policy, exercise prudent financial management to ensure that the provision of motor vehicle does not undermine the need to prioritise service delivery and sustain a viable municipality.
(f) If a councillor uses a municipal-owned motor vehicle for official purposes, such councillor will not be reimbursed for kilometres travelled.


(2) Housing allowance


A councillor may structure his or her salary to provide for housing allowance as part of the total remuneration package.