Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010 (Act No. 2 of 2010)


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Notice No. 464

27 May 2010


(English text signed by the President.)

(Assented to 24 May 2010.)


To provide for measures to safeguard the physical well-being and safety of persons and property at sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organizational or similar events held at stadiums, venues or along a route; to provide for the accountability of event role-players; to provide for certain prohibitions; to provide for the risk categorisation of events; to provide for the establishment of measures to deal with safety and security at events; to provide for accreditation of role-players at events; to provide for event ticketing; to provide for the control of access of spectators and vehicles at events; to provide for the issuing of safety certificates for planned or existing stadiums or venues; to provide for the contents of safety certificates and amendments to safety certificates; to provide for appointment of inspectors and their powers of entry and inspection; to provide for the deployment of security services; to provide for spectator exclusion notices; to provide for prohibition notices; to provide for the establishment of an Appeal Board and for appeals; to provide for public liability insurance for events; to provide for payment of fees; to provide for offences and penalties; and to provide for matters connected therewith.






the physical well-being and safety of all persons attending sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar events as well as the safety of their property—
-at stadiums or other venues; and
-in the case of a race, tour or procession, along a route,
must be promoted and protected;
the rights of persons who attend sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar events must be protected;

NOTING that—

the planning, management and enforcement of safety and security at sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar events held at stadiums, other venues and in respect of events in the form of a race, tour or procession along a route, must be handled by people experienced in the field of safety and security;
all controlling bodies of sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar activities, event organisers, stadium or venue owners and their managements must have proper safety and security measures in place; and
controlling bodies of all sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar activities, event organisers and stadium and venue owners and their managements must place the broader interests of sports, recreational, religious, cultural, organisational or similar activities above their own interests, particularly the promotion and maintenance of the safety, security and convenience of persons who attend sports, recreational, religious, cultural, organisational or similar events;


the need to determine and maintain minimum safety and security standards at sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar events;
the importance of the promotion of spectator-friendly, secure sports, recreational, religious, cultural, organisational or similar events;
that the Republic has become a desirous destination for the hosting of major international sports, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional, organisational or similar events,


BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—