Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)


Sectional Titles Regulations

13. Sectional title registers

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(1)The sectional title register as contemplated in section 12(1)(b) of the Act, shall be opened by means of a sectional title file as set out in Form D in Annexure 1.

[Regulation 13(1) substituted by regulation 8(a) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(2)The file number allotted to the sectional title file, shall be the same as the number allotted to the sectional plan.

[Regulation 13(2) substituted by regulation 8(b) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(3)[Regulation 13(3) deleted by regulation 8(c) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(4)In the sectional title file shall be filed—

[Words preceding Regulation13(4)(a) substituted by regulation 8(d) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]

(a)the documents referred to in section 11(3) of the Act, with the exception of the certificates of registered sectional title, the owner’s copy of the title deed of the land, the bond, the title deed of any real right registered over the land and the certificates of real rights contemplated by sections 11(3)(fB) and 11(3)(fC);

[Regulation 13(4)(a) substituted by regulation 2(a) of Notice No. R. 548 dated 30 June 2015]

(b)the copy of any notice to the Surveyor-General and the local authority of the registration or cancellation of the registration of a sectional plan or of the reversion of land to the land register;
(c)correspondence relating to the scheme concerned as a whole;

[Regulation 13(4)(c) substituted by regulation 8(f) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]

(d)[Regulation 13(4)(d) deleted by regulation 8(g) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(4A)The documents, notices and correspondence referred to in subregulations (4)(a) and (c), as well as any certificates, plans, schedules and other documents relating to the scheme as a whole and which must be filed in a sectional title file, must be endorsed with a deeds registry date endorsement upon the lodgement thereof.

[Regulation 13(4A) substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 427, GG 40842, dated 12 May 2017]


(5)[Regulation 13(5) deleted by regulation 8(h) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(6)Where a procedure is followed in a deeds registry of reproducing documents and of keeping such reproduction instead of such document and of maintaining a register as referred to in section 12(1)(c), the sectional title file referred to in subregulation (4) may be substituted by such reproductions and register: Provided that the sectional title file shall be maintained for certain documents should the Chief Registrar of Deeds so determine.

[Regulation 13(6) substituted by regulation 8(i) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]