Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)RegulationsSectional Titles Regulations27. Registration of plan of extension of the common property |
(1) |
(a) | An application for registration of a sectional plan of extension of the common property shall be in the form of Form AT in Annexure 1. |
[Regulation 25(1)(a) substituted by section 7 of Notice No. R. 497, GG44700, dated 11 June 2021 - effective 11 July 2021]
(b) | When registering such a sectional plan under section 26(5) of the Act, the registrar shall allot a distinctive number thereto. |
[Regulation 27(1) substituted by regulation 20 of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]
(2) | The registrar shall furnish the local authority concerned with a copy of the registered sectional plan of extension. |
(3) | The application contemplated in subregulation (1)(a) must be accompanied by a substituted schedule as contemplated in section 11(3)(b) of the Act, where the land to be incorporated into the communal scheme concerned is subject to conditions which are different from the conditions registered at the opening of the sectional title register. |
[Regulation 27(3) substituted by regulation 5(a) of Notice No. R. 196 dated 14 March 2013]
(a) | The substituted schedule referred to in subregulation (3) must contain all the conditions and endorsements appearing in the section 11(3)(b) schedule already filed in the sectional title register (existing schedule), as well as the conditions and endorsements appearing in the title deed of the land that is to be incorporate into the communal scheme. |
(b) | The existing and substituted schedules must both be kept in the sectional title register and the existing schedule must be endorsed to the effect that it has been replaced by the substituted schedule. |
[Regulation 27(4) inserted by regulation 5(b) of Notice No. R. 196 dated 14 March 2013]