Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)


Sectional Titles Regulations


Annexure 1 : Forms

Form AE

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I, the undersigned, ................................... do hereby make oath and say that:


1.The developer in the sectional title development scheme known as ..........................................situated on Erf .............................. in .............................. Township (“the scheme”), is .......................................................


2.I have been duly authorised by resolution of the developer, dated .............................. (a certified copy of which resolution is annexed hereto), to declare that, in regard to section 4(3) of the Sectional Titles Act, 1986, as amended (“the Act”)—
2.1the provisions of section 4(3) apply to the scheme in that one or more part(s) of the building(s) comprised in the scheme and which will constitute a unit or units therein, is or are let wholly or partially for residential purposes;
2.2the developer has complied fully with all the provisions of section 4(3) of the Act in that—
2.2.1every lessee of every part of the building(s) which is leased for residential purposes as stated in 2.1 above, was notified in writing of the meeting of lessees which was held on .................................; a specimen of the notice is attached hereto, marked Annexure “A”, and which has been initialled by me for identification purposes;
2.2.2the notice referred to in paragraph 2.2.1 above, was—
(a)delivered personally on ................................., and a list of lessees with signatures (and dates of such signatures) thereon, acknowledging receipt of the said notice, is attached hereto, marked Annexure “B”, and, which has been initialled by me for identification purposes;
(b)despatched by registered post on .............................., and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of the registered letters by the post office concerned, is attached hereto, marked Annexure “B”, and which has been initialled by me for identification purposes;
2.2.3the meeting referred to in paragraph 2.2.1, above was held within the municipal area of .......................................... at .............................................., which is situated at a distance of .............................. km from the scheme;
2.2.4the meeting referred to in paragraph 2.2.1, was held on ..................................... A certified copy of the minutes is attached hereto, marked Annexure “C”, and which has been initialled by me for identification purposes;
2.2.5.............................. of the developer attended the meeting to provide the lessees with—
(a)such particulars of the scheme as the lessees may reasonably require from him/her; and
(b)the information regarding the lessees’ rights as set out in section 10 of the Act; and
2.2.6in addition to the notice referred to in paragraph 2.2.1 above, the lessees were provided with certificates containing the prescribed particulars in respect of the relevant building(s), and parts thereof or units therein, and of the scheme. A copy of the certificate is attached hereto, marked Annexure “D”, and which has been initialled by me for identification purposes;


3.I am able to depose to the correctness of the facts contained in paragraph 2 above, because I personally have made investigations to verify such facts.





THUS SIGNED AND SWORN to before me at ........................................... on the .............................. day of .............................. 19...... by the Deponent who acknowledges that he/she knows and understands the contents of this Affidavit.



Commissioner of Oaths


Full name..............................................................................................








[Form AE substituted by Notice No. R. 1422 of 1997]