Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)RegulationsSectional Titles RegulationsAnnexuresAnnexure 1 : FormsForm M |
Prepared by me
(State full name and surname in block letters)
(Disclose Legal Practice Council Membership Number)
DEED OF CESSION OF ................................................... (here insert servitude or rights)
WHEREAS the undermentioned .............................. (state whether servitude or other right) has/have been expropriated by (quote authority) ................................................................................................................................. over/in and upon portion/the land, comprised in the common property in the scheme known as ................................................. No .................................................... situate at ............................................................ (disclose name of local authority which .................................................................................................................................. is/are at present registered in the name of .......................................................... (disclose name of holder of servitude or other right) under ............................................................................ (state nature of title and number);
AND WHEREAS a certificate has been furnished to me under section 32(4) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, by the cessionary to the effect that the provisions of any law in connection with the expropriation of such ..................................................................................................... (state servitude or other right) have been complied with;
NOW therefore by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 19 of the Act, I, the Registrar of Deeds at .............................. do hereby cede to .............................. (state name of cessionary)—
*1 | .................................................................................................................. (In the event of a servitude the description or nature thereof with reference to any diagram, if annexed.) over .............................. (Description and extent of land.) |
2 | ....................................................................................................................... (In the case of other rights the description thereof.) in and upon .............................. (description of an extent of land, with reference to diagram or section plan and ancillary rights, if any). |
In witness whereof I, the said Registrar, have signed this deed at .............................................................................., on .............................
Registrar of Deeds
Seal of Office
[Form M substituted by regulation 5(a) of Notice No. R. 883, GG43614, dated 14 August 2020]