Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Regulations for the Establishment of the National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body as a Legal Body for Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Consultation

Chapter 3 : Governance and Funding

5. Governance

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(1) The composition of the NAADAB is as follows:
(a) Organised Business with six representatives
(i) BUSA with 3 representatives
(ii) BBC with 2 representatives
(iii) NBI with 1 representative
(b) Organised Labour with six representatives
(i) COSATU with 2 representatives
(ii) FEDUSA with 1 representative
(iii) SOLIDARITY with 1 representative
(iv) NACTU with 1 representative
(v) SAFTU with 1 representative
(c) Artisan Professional Bodies with 7 ex-officio representatives
(ii) MBA
(iii) ECA
(iv) Production Technologies Association of South Africa
(v) SAIW
(vi) RMI
(vii) Association for Skills Development in South Africa
(d) Government with 10 ex-officio representatives
(e) NSA as an ex-officio member
(f) CEO of SETA Forum as an ex-officio member
(g) CEO of QCTO as an ex-officio member
(h) SAPCO President as an ex-officio member
(i) Association of Private Providers of Education, Training and Development as an ex-officio member
(j) South African Youth Council as an ex-officio member


(2) All the members of the NAADAB must have alternate representatives to attend on their behalf in case of absence.


(3) The NAADAB consists of Co-Chairpersons and not more than 12 ordinary members from organised business and organised labour.


(4) The Co-Chairpersons are elected from organised business and organised labour respectively.


(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub regulation 5(1), the NAADAB may from time to time, for a period not exceeding the term of office of the body, co-opt experts in relevant skills categories.