Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Constitution of the Information Systems (IT), Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (ISETT SETA)

Chapter Twenty-Four

24. Rights and Obligations of Members

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24.1Any member who is unable to attend a meeting of the Authority or Committee:
24.1.1May be represented by the alternate member; and
24.1.2Must before the meeting give notice of it to the Chairperson.


24.2An alternate designated under the above clause has the rights and obligations of the member whom that alternate represents;


24.3Every member has the right to:
24.3.1Be heard on any matter considered at the meeting;
24.3.2Take part in the resolution of any matter before the meeting; and
24.3.3Have their views on any matter considered at the meeting recorded in the minutes of the meeting and in any report or recommendation of the meeting.


24.4Members of the Authority and Committees appointed by the Minister excluding full time employees of the state may claim compensation for their participation in the Authority or its Committees in accordance with the regulations of the Authority.