Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No. 13 of 2004)


Regulations relating to the Application for and Payment of Social Assistance and the Requirements or Conditions in respect of Eligibility for Social Assistance

Chapter 2 : Application for Social Assistance

15. Notification of outcome

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(1) The Agency must, within three months of the date of the application for social assistance notify the applicant of the outcome of the application for the social assistance.


(2) A notification contemplated in subregulation (1) may be given by electronic communication or any other means of communication.


(3) Upon approval of an application for social assistance, the Agency must inform the applicant, subject to the means of communication referred to in subregulation (2), of such approval including—
(a) the payment details;
(b) the obligations of the applicant to notify the Agency of a change in his or her circumstances;
(c) in the case of refugees, the date of lapsing of the social assistance; and
(d) in the case of a temporary disability grant, the reasons therefor, the duration of the social grant and the date upon which it lapses.


(4) Upon refusal of a social assistance application, the Agency must inform the applicant in writing of such refusal and of—
(a) the reasons for such refusal; and
(b) the applicant's right to appeal the decision and the mechanism and procedure to lodge an appeal.