Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of 1978)


Regulations Relating to the Establishment of the Professional Board for Community Development Practice, 2024

24. Meetings of professional board

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(1) A professional board shall hold at least two meetings during each year at such places and such dates as the chairperson may determine and may in addition hold such special meetings as the chairperson may from time to time determine.


(a) A special meeting of a professional board may at any time be convened by the chairperson and shall be convened by him or her at the written request of the Minister or of at least half the number of the total members of the professional board.
(b) A special meeting shall be held at such place in the Republic as the chairperson may determine and shall, in the case of any meeting convened as a result of a request referred to in paragraph (a), be held within thirty days after the date of receipt of such request by the chairperson.
(c) A request referred to in paragraph (a), shall clearly state the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened.


(3) A notice convening an ordinary or a special meeting shall be signed by the registrar and shall specify the source of such a meeting.


(4) A notice contemplated in sub-regulation (3) shall be sent by post, by hand or electronic mail to each member at least 14 days before the date scheduled for the meeting.


(5) In the case of special meetings, such notice shall be given as the chairperson may deem adequate and may be given by facsimile, electronic mail or telephone.