Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1993 (Act No. 169 of 1993)


Constitution of the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

9. General Meetings

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(1) All meetings of the Members shall be called general meetings.


(2) A general meeting of the Council known as the annual general meeting shall be held once in every calendar year at a date, time and place determined by the Board.


(3) The Board may in its discretion convene a general meeting virtually and determine the technology that will be used to facilitate this and may further utilise or select an electronic platform for purpose of any matters or proceedings relating to the general meeting including but not limited to the delegate appointments, voting, proxy submissions and resolution considerations and submissions.


(4) Members in good standing shall be given at least 28 (twenty-eight)] days notice, in writing, prior to the holding of a general meeting, which notice shall specify the place, day and time of the meeting. Where special business or resolutions are to be considered at the meeting, the  general nature of the business and the full text of the resolutions must be stated. However, the non receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any general meeting.


(5) Where special business or resolutions relating to business of a general meeting other than the ordinary business of the annual general meeting are to be considered at the meeting, the general nature of the business and the full text of the resolutions must be stated, where it is relevant to all Members. The Council will consider the special business or resolutions for inclusion in a general meeting.


(6) The failure or accidental omission to send a notice of a General Meeting (including a delegate/proxy appointment form) to any Member or the non-receipt of a notice (or form) by any Member does not invalidate the proceedings at or any resolution passed at the General Meeting.


[Clause 9 substituted by section 1 of Constitution of Board Notice 223, GG46000, dated 04 March 2022]