South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995)


Forensic DNA Regulations, 2020

16. Lodging of complaints

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(1) A complaint may be lodged by a person who—
(a) has knowledge or becomes aware of any violation relating to the manner in which a DNA sample or forensic DNA profile is or has been handled;
(b) is affected, or likely to be affected, by the manner in which the results of the analysis of a DNA sample or forensic DNA sample in the NFDD is or has been handled;
(c) has knowledge, or becomes aware, of any breach of security relating to—
(i) the safe transportation or storage of a DNA sample;
(ii)the safe transportation or storage of a forensic DNA profile;
(iii) the physical security of the NFDD;
(iv)or any other matter that breaches, prejudices or compromises the proper management of DNA samples, forensic DNA profiles or the integrity of the NFDD;
(d) has knowledge of unethical conduct by an employee in the exercise of any function of the NFDD, or is affected by unethical conduct; or
(e) has knowledge of unethical conduct by an independent provider in the provision of services under arrangement with the NFDD.


(2)A complaint as contemplated in sub -regulation (1) may be lodged—
(a)on behalf of—
(i) a child;
(ii) a person who suffers from a physical disability or a mental disability;
(b) by a person authorised to act on behalf of a complainant.


(3) A complaint contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must within 12 months after—
(a) the date on which the matter which is the subject of the complaint occurred; or
(b) the date on which the matter which is the subject of the complaint came to the knowledge of the complainant,

be submitted in writing to the chairperson of the Board.


(4) A complaint must be signed by the complainant or his or her authorised representative, and must—
(a) provide his or her full name, identity number and contact details;
(b) specify the nature of the complaint and the basis for the allegation;
(c) provide relevant information on the complaint; and
(d) specify the nature of recourse sought by the complainant.



(a) A complaint may not be lodged anonymously, unless the chairperson is of the opinion that exceptional circumstances exist to justify such complaint.
(b) In the case of an anonymous complaint, the complainant must provide the information contemplated in subregulation (4)(b),(c) and (d).


(6) A complaint lodged or instituted by the Board in terms of section 15AA(1) of the Act, must be registered in a computer -based register and an acknowledgement of receipt must be sent to the complainant within seven days of the receipt of the complaint stating that it has been referred to a committee for consideration.


(7) A complaint registered in terms of sub -regulation (6) must be disposed of within one month after receipt thereof or within such other period as the Board may authorise in writing.