South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989 (Act No. 90 of 1989)NoticesDirective for conduct within the national payment system in respect of domestic card transactions6. Conclusion |
6.1 | This directive is not exhaustive and may be supplemented and/or amended from time to time. |
6.2 | All participants that issue and acquire domestic cards are obliged to act in accordance with this directive. Any contravention of this directive is an offence in terms of section 12 of the NPS Act. |
6.3 | This directive will become effective within twelve months of publication to allow for transitional arrangements. |
[Directive 6(6.3) substituted by section 1 of the National Payment System Act, 1998 (Act No. 78 of 1998), Notice No. R. 988, GG43703, dated 11 September 2020]
6.4 | Participants that are uncertain as to whether their current and/or future business practices are aligned with this directive should initiate discussions with the National Payment System Department of the SARB to clarify such uncertainty. |