South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)


Regulations for Safety Measures at Public Schools

8B. Organisation of a school activity

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(1)A public school must, in writing, supply the following information to the parent of the learner who will undertake the school activity:
(a)The purpose of the school activity;
(b)the nature of the activities to be undertaken during the school activity;
(c)the full itinerary of the school activity, with contact details of the hosts and of the supervising educators;
(d)the nature of transport, accommodation and catering arrangements;
(e)where applicable, the fact that the learner will need to acquire travelling documents and an inoculation certificate, and where they can be obtained;
(f)the fact that the travelling documents must be obtained at least seven days prior to the date of departure; and
(g)any other relevant details.


(2)Immediately after returning from a school activity, the supervising educator must submit a report to the principal if any of the following has occurred:
(b)injury to a learner, educator or driver or to any other person; or
(c)any act of misconduct on the part of a learner, educator or driver or of any other person.


(3)The report must include the following information:
(a)the nature of the incident;
(b)the nature of the injury, if applicable;
(c)the time, date and place of the incident;
(d)procedures that were followed in dealing with the incident; and
(e)the name of the supervising educator.


(4)The principal must submit the report to the official who approved the school activity and to the chairperson of the school governing body.