Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996)

3. Composition of Special Investigating Unit

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(1)The President must appoint a judge or acting judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as head of a Special Investigating Unit established by him or her.


(2)The Head of a Special Investigating Unit may, from time to time, appoint as many other fit and proper persons to the Special Investigating Unit as in his or her opinion are necessary for the effective functioning thereof.


(3)Officers in the Public Service may be seconded to the service of a Special Investigating Unit in terms of any law regulating such secondment.


(4)A member of a Special Investigating Unit shall hold office for the duration of the existence of such Special Investigating Unit: Provided that—
(a)a member may at any time resign;
(b)the appointment of a member for a specified period or task shall terminate at the end of such period or on completion of such task;
(c)the Head of a Special Investigating Unit may at any time remove any member from office if there are sound reasons for doing so; and
(d)the Head of a Special Investigating Unit must stand down from such office if the President, in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, so requests.



(a)A member of a Special Investigating Unit who is not a judge and whose remuneration is not defrayed from public money, may be paid such remuneration, including allowances for subsistence and travelling expenses incurred by him or her in the performance of his or her functions in terms of this Act, as the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister of Finance may determine.
(b)A member of a Special Investigating Unit who is a judge or whose remuneration is defrayed from public money, may be paid such allowances in respect of his or her service as such member, including allowances for subsistence and travelling expenses incurred by him or her in the performance of his or her functions in terms of this Act, as the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister of Finance may determine.