Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No. 6 of 1999)

8. Establishment of Council

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(1)A council to be known as the South African Statistics Council is hereby established.


(2)The Council must consist of not less than 18 and not more than 25 members—
(a)with relevant professional proficiency and interest;
(b)broadly representative of groups or interests concerned with the production and use of official statistics, including—
(i)organs of state;
(ii)producers of statistics;
(iii)organised business and labour;
(iv)specialist and research interests, including statistics and information technology;
(v)economic and financial interests;
(vi)demographic and social interests, including rural, gender and disability interests; and
(vii)the public, including non-governmental, private, civic and other organisations; and
(c)of whom nine must be persons representing the respective provinces.


(3)The Minister must, after consultation with the Cabinet, appoint the members of the Council from nominations obtained through—
(a)public invitations for nominations; and
(b)a request to the executive council of each province to submit two or three nominations.


(4)The Statistician-General is by virtue of his or her office a member of the Council and he or she or his or her representative may attend meetings of the Council, but may not—
(a)vote at such meetings; and
(b)act as chairperson or deputy chairperson.


(5)The Minister must appoint a member of the Council as chairperson.


(6)The Council must elect one of its members as deputy chairperson.


(7)If both the chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Council are unable to act as chairperson, the other members must designate one of their number to act as chairperson during such inability.