Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No. 28 of 2011)


Rules promulgated under Section 103 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No. 28 of 2011), prescribing the procedures to be followed in lodging an objection and appeal against an assessment or a decision subject to objection and appeal referred to in Section 104(2) of that Act, Procedures for Alternative Dispute Resolution, the conduct and hearing of appeals, application on notice before a Tax Court and Transitional Rules

Part B : Reason for assessment, objection appeal and test cases

6. Reasons for assessment

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(1)A taxpayer who is aggrieved by an assessment may, prior to lodging an objection, request SARS to provide the reasons for the assessment required to enable the taxpayer to formulate an objection in the form and manner referred to in rule 7.


(2)The request must—
(a)be made in the prescribed form and manner;
(b)specify an address at which the taxpayer will accept delivery of the reasons; and
(c)be delivered to SARS within 30 days from the date of assessment.


(3)The period within which the reasons must be requested by the taxpayer may be extended by SARS for a period not exceeding 45 days if a SARS official is satisfied that reasonable grounds exist for the delay in complying with that period.


(4)Where a SARS official is satisfied that the reasons required to enable the taxpayer to formulate an objection have been provided, SARS must, within 30 days after delivery of the request, notify the taxpayer accordingly which notice must refer to the documents wherein the reasons were provided.


(5)Where in the opinion of a SARS official the reasons required to enable the taxpayer to formulate an objection have not been provided, SARS must provide the reasons within 45 days after delivery of the request for reasons.


(6)The period for providing the reasons may be extended by SARS if a SARS official is satisfied that more time is required by SARS to provide reasons due to exceptional circumstances, the complexity of the matter or the principle or the amount involved.


(7)An extension may not exceed 45 days and SARS must deliver a notice of the extension to the taxpayer before expiry of the 45 day period referred to in subrule (5).