South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Limited Act, 2024 (Act No. 34 of 2024)

Chapter 5 : Financial Matters, Reporting and Accountability

30. Funds of Agency

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(1) The funds of the Agency consist of—
(a) any funds transferred to the agency at the dates referred to in sections 36(2) and 36(5);
(b) monies appropriated by Parliament;
(c) revenue from water use charges due to the Agency, as contemplated in Chapter 5 of the National Water Act, and the Pricing Strategy established by the Minister in terms of section 56 of the National Water Act;
(d) loans raised;
(e) income derived by it on investments in terms of subsection (3);
(f) income derived by it in the performance of its functions;
(g) income generated through developing, leasing out or otherwise managing its assets within the scope of this Act;
(h) income earned from the Agency’s participation in joint ventures with water services institutions as contemplated by section 19 of the Water Services Act;
(i) proceeds derived from the sale of the Agency’s assets;
(j) fines payable by persons as a penalty on their conviction of offences created by this Act;
(k) recovery of improper profits from Board members or persons concerned as contemplated in section 19; and
(l) grants or donations received by the Agency.


(2) The Agency must utilise—
(a) its funds to cover costs in connection with the performance of its functions in terms of this Act, as well as any additional functions that may be assigned or delegated to it by the Minister from time to time;
(b) any donation or contribution in accordance with any conditions that may be imposed, provided it is not inconsistent with the purpose of this Act; and
(c) any money appropriated by Parliament for the purpose for which it was granted.


(3) The Agency may invest any of its funds not immediately required by the Agency, with such directions as the Minister and the Minister of Finance may determine.


(4) The Agency must distribute to other water management institutions such revenues that it may collect on their behalf in terms of any billing and collection agreements, either with the Minister or with other water management institutions, less any fees or commissions that the Agency may charge for these services in terms of these agreements.