South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Limited Act, 2024 (Act No. 34 of 2024)

Chapter 5 : Financial Matters, Reporting and Accountability

32. Annual budget, long-term financial plan and corporate plan

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(1) The annual budget, long-term financial plan and corporate plan of the Agency must be submitted to the Minister, as the shareholder representative and executive authority, for approval.


(2) The financial year of the Agency is for the period 1 April to 31 March in the following year, except that the first financial year of the Agency begins on the incorporation date and ends on 31 March.


(3) The corporate plan must, in addition to the matters specified in the Public Finance Management Act, contain—
(a) financial and performance indicators and targets considered by the Board to be appropriate, based on indicators and targets contained in the shareholder’s compact;
(b) any other information that the Board considers necessary; and
(c) such information as may be directed by the Minister.


(4) In preparing or revising a financial and performance indicators and targets referred to in subsection (3), the Board must have regard to—
(a) the shareholder’s compact entered into with the Minister;
(b) the need to maintain the Agency’s financial viability;
(c) the need to maintain reserves, at a level determined by the Minister from time to time, especially to provide for—
(i) the development of national water resources infrastructure as instructed by the Minister;
(ii) any estimated future demand for the services of the Agency; and
(iii) any need to improve the accessibility of, and performance standards for, the services provided by the Agency;
(d) the need to meet the developmental objectives of government and in accordance with sections 27(1)(b) and 27(2) of the Constitution; and
(e) any other matter determined by the Minister.