South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Limited Act, 2024 (Act No. 34 of 2024)

Chapter 6 : Transfer of National Water Resources Infrastructure and Disestablishment of TCTA

37. Disestablishment of TCTA

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(1) Subject to section 36, the Minister must disestablish the TCTA as a statutory body after the date determined by the Minister in terms of section 36(5) and may take steps to wind up the TCTA.


(2) Disestablishment of the TCTAmust be by notice in the Gazette, after consultation with the Minister of Finance, the Board of the TCTA and the Board of the Agency.


(3) Clause 30 of Government Notice No. 277, published in Gazette No. 21017 of 24 March 2000, is hereby repealed.


(4) The Minister may direct the transfer of any function or service of the TCTA prior to its disestablishment to the Agency by a written directive.


(5) Any guarantee or indemnity expressed or implied by the State in favour of any contractual obligation or associated liability by the TCTA remains valid, binding and enforceable.