South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Limited Act, 2024 (Act No. 34 of 2024)

Chapter 7 : Powers of Minister

44. Expropriation by Minister

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(1) Subject to section 25 of the Constitution, the Minister may authorise the Agency to expropriate property, in terms of section 64 of the National Water Act for a public purpose or in the public interest and such property may include—
(a) land that it reasonably requires for national water resources infrastructure or other purposes connected with a national water resources infrastructure;
(b) the right to land that it requires temporarily for any of the purposes which the Minister of Public Works is competent to expropriate land; or
(c) gravel, stone, sand, clay, water or any other material or substance on or in the land required for the construction of national water resources infrastructure or for any waterwork or any other purposes.


(2) Where the Minister expropriates any land for the Agency in terms of paragraph (a), the Agency becomes the owner thereof on the date of such expropriation.


(3) The Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975) applies to any expropriation required in terms of this Act.