South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Limited Act, 2024 (Act No. 34 of 2024)

Chapter 3 : Governance of Agency

8. Role of Board

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8. The Board must—
(a) retain adequate and effective control over the Agency;
(b) produce the strategic plan;
(c)give consideration to policy and systems of the Agency in order to achieve the objects of the Agency;
(c) monitor and evaluate the implementation of strategy, policy and corporate plans;
(d) implement and monitor performance management systems for employees of the Agency;
(e) ensure a transparent and effective communication and stakeholder engagement policy;
(f) adopt and accept an interim code of conduct for the Board, which is acceptable to the Minister and thereafter, within six months of the appointment of the Board, the Board must develop a code of conduct for itself which must be approved by the Minister;
(g) provide effective and transparent corporate governance;
(h) ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, agreements and codes of best business practice; and
(i) report to the Minister.