Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2004  (Act No. 35 of 2004)

Chapter 2 : Establishment and Governance of Interim Traditional Health Practitioners Council of South Africa

7. Constitution of Council

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The Council consists of a maximum of 22 members, appointed by the Minister in the prescribed manner, of whom—

(a)one must be a traditional health practitioner appointed as the chairperson of the Council by the Minister;
(b)one is the vice-chairperson of the Council and is elected by the members of the Council from amongst their number;
(c)nine must be traditional health practitioners, one from each province, of whom each must have been in practice for not less than five years;
(d)one must be an employee in the service of the Department of Health;
(e)one must be appointed on account of his or her knowledge of the law;
(f)one must be a medical practitioner who is a member of the Health Professions Council of South Africa;
(g)one must be a pharmacist who is a member of the South African Pharmacy Council;
(h)three must be community representatives; and
(i)one must be a representative from each category of traditional health practitioners defined in this Act.