input tax

in relation to a vendor, means—

(a)tax charged under section 7 and payable in terms of that section by—
(i)a supplier on the supply of goods or services made by that supplier to the vendor; or
(ii)the vendor on the importation of goods by that vendor; or

[Subparagraph (ii) substituted by section 19(1)(k) of Act No. 44 of 2014]

(iii)the vendor under the provisions of section 7(3);
(b)an amount equal to the tax fraction (being the tax fraction applicable at the time the supply is deemed to have taken place) of the lesser of any consideration in money given by the vendor for or the open market value of the supply (not being a taxable supply) to him by way of a sale on or after the commencement date by a resident of the Republic (other than a person or diplomatic or consular mission of a foreign country established in the Republic that was granted relief, by way of a refund of tax as contemplated in section 68) of any second-hand goods situated in the Republic: Provided that where such second-hand goods consist of—
(i)fixed property in respect of the acquisition of which transfer duty is, in terms of the Transfer Duty Act, payable or would have been payable had an exemption from transfer duty (whether in terms of the Transfer Duty Act or any other Act of Parliament) not been applicable; or
(ii)a share in a share block company in respect of the original issue or registration of transfer of which stamp duty is, in terms of the Stamp Duties Act, payable or would have been payable had an exemption from stamp duty (whether in terms of the Stamp Duties Act or any other Act of Parliament) not been applicable,

such amount shall not exceed the amount of transfer duty or stamp duty, as the case may be, which is or would have been payable in respect of such acquisition, original issue or registration of transfer, as the case may be; and

(c)an amount equal to the tax fraction of the consideration in money deemed by section 10(16) to be for the supply (not being a taxable supply) by a debtor to the vendor of goods repossessed under an instalment credit agreement: Provided that the tax fraction applicable under this paragraph shall be the tax fraction applicable at the time of supply of the goods to the debtor under such agreement as contemplated in section 9(3)(c),

where the goods or services concerned are acquired by the vendor wholly for the purpose of consumption, use or supply in the course of making taxable supplies or, where the goods or services are acquired by the vendor partly for such purpose, to the extent (as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 17) that the goods or services concerned are acquired by the vendor for such purpose;