Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982)

24. Requirements for registration

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(a)Subject to the provisions of subsection (1A) and paragraph (b), a person may be registered in terms of this Act to practise a veterinary profession or a para-veterinary profession if—
(i)in the case of a natural person, that person is the holder of an appropriate degree, diploma or certificate prescribed or accepted under section 20; or
(ii)in the case of a juristic person, that  person is a corporation or a private company.
(b)A person contemplated in paragraph (a)(i) who registers for the first time to practise a veterinary profession or para-veterinary profession in terms of this Act may not be so registered, unless that person simultaneously registers for compulsory community service contemplated in section 20A.

[Section 24(1) substituted by section 5(a) of Act No. 16 of 2012]



(a)If a period of more than three years has elapsed—
(i)from the date on which the person fulfilled the academic requirements for the degree, diploma or certificate, contemplated in subsection (1), up to the date on which such person applies for registration in terms of section 25 for the first time; or

[Section 24(1A)(a)(i) substituted by section 5(b) of Act No. 16 of 2012]

(ii)from the date on which the registration of a person is terminated in terms of section 28(1), up to the date on which such person applies for the reinstatement of his or her registration in terms of section 28(5),

the council may determine that such person shall be registered as contemplated in subsection (1) only if he or she has passed an examination determined by the council.

(b)An examination referred to in paragraph (a) shall be conducted only after payment of such amount as may be determined by the council.

[Section 24(1A) inserted by section 7(b) of Act No. 19 of 1989]


(2)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, a person who is not the holder of a degree, diploma or certificate prescribed under section 20, may be registered to practise any para-veterinary profession if—
(a)the person concerned submits his or her application for such registration to the registrar in the prescribed manner within six months from the date on which a notice relating to the para-veterinary profession concerned was published under section 21;
(b)such application is accompanied by documentary proof which satisfies the council that the person concerned practised the para-veterinary profession concerned for a continuous period of at least five years prior to the date of publication of the notice concerned, and is wholly or mainly dependent on the practice thereof for his or her livelihood; and
(c)the person concerned has passed an examination determined by the council.


(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) a person shall not be registered in terms of this Act if—
(a)he has at any time been removed from an office of trust on account of improper conduct;
(b)he or she has at any time been convicted of extortion, bribery, any offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1958 (Act No. 6 of 1958), the Corruption Act,. 1992 (Act No. 94 of 1992), Part 1 to 4, or section 17, 20 or 21 (in so far as it relates to the aforementioned offences) of Chapter 2 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004, theft, fraud, forgery or uttering of a forged document or perjury, and was sentenced in respect thereof to imprisonment without the option of a fine;

[Section 24(3)(b) substituted by section 36(1) of Act No. 12 of 2004]

(c)he or she is a patient or a President's patient as defined in section 1 of the Mental Health Act, 1973 (Act No. 18 of 1973); or
(d)his or her registration has been withdrawn under section 33(1)(d), unless the council directs otherwise in a particular case.


(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) a corporation shall be registered in terms of this Act only if—
(a)the principal business of that corporation is the practising of a veterinary profession or a para-veterinary profession, as the case may be;
(b)that corporation has nominated one of its members as the manager thereof for the purposes of this Act;
(c)the manager which has been so nominated—
(i)resides in the Republic; and
(ii)is a person who is registered in terms of this Act to practise a veterinary profession or the para-veterinary profession concerned, as the case may be;
(d)the members' interests in that corporation are held, subject to the provisions of section 28(1A)(a), solely by natural persons who are registered in terms of this Act to practise a veterinary profession or the para-veterinary profession concerned, as the case may be.

[Section 24(4) inserted by section 7(c) of Act No. 19 of 1989]



(a)Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), a private company shall be registered in terms of this Act only if—
(i)the principal business of that private company is the practising of a veterinary profession or a para-veterinary profession, as the case may be;
(ii)all the shareholders of the company are registered in terms of this Act to practise a veterinary or a para-veterinary profession;
(iii)the name of the company has been approved by the council;
(iv)every shareholder of the company is a director and only a shareholder shall be a director thereof; and
(v)its memorandum of association provides that the directors and past directors shall be liable jointly and severally, together with the company, for such debts and liabilities of the company as are or were incurred during their periods of office.
(b)If a private company ceases to conform to any requirement of paragraph (a), it shall forthwith cease to practise and shall, as from the date on which it ceases to conform, not be recognised to practise the veterinary or para-veterinary profession, as the case may be.

[Section 24(5) inserted by section 8(b) of Act No. 10 of 2002]