Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982)


Regulations relating to Continued Professional Development of Veterinary Professions

5. System of point allocation: Structured activities

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5.1One (1) point is allocated per hour or part thereof for the first two hours, thereafter additional points are allocated per completed hour of formal lectures and/or practical demonstrations for the following structured activities:
(a)CPD courses and conferences presented by universities, veterinary professional associations, regulatory bodies and accredited service providers, which will augment the chosen field of veterinary work; and
(b)CPD courses and conferences including scientific lectures, seminars or educational programs presented in foreign countries or by other professional groups in South Africa which are not mainstream veterinary CPD activities and include medical, dental, public health and regulatory activities.

Provided that the activity augments the chosen field of veterinary work and the programme and attendance certificate is submitted to council together with the annual summary referred to in regulation 8.2.


5.2One (1) point is allocated for each questionnaire passed of a written assessment test on veterinary literature.


5.3One (1) point is allocated for the first hour of lectures and/or practicals presented for each course in veterinary, para-veterinary and/or closely related disciplines for undergraduates and two points allocated for the first hour of postgraduate lectures.


5.4Two (2) points are allocated per day or part thereof for preparing, conducting and/or monitoring examinations of tertiary institutions or recognised providers in veterinary, para-veterinary and/or closely related disciplines with a maximum of ten (10) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle.


5.5Two (2) points are allocated for the review of scientific articles or books of a veterinary nature and/or of direct importance to veterinary science.


5.6Two (2) points are allocated per day or part thereof for the preparation and presentation/defence of veterinary related policy/curriculum documents with a maximum of ten (10) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle.


5.7Two (2) points are allocated for the first presentation or paper for the lay press and lectures for the general public on veterinary or closely related matters per topic.


5.8Two (2) points are allocated for every day or part thereof with a maximum of ten (10) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle for service as a tribunal member on a council inquiry body or any other veterinary related investigative/regulatory body or as an expert witness in any court case.


5.9Three (3) points are allocated for the first preparation and presentation of a non-refereed one-hour lecture or a scientific paper per topic.


5.10Five (5) points are allocated to the first preparation and presentation of a refereed one-hour lecture or a scientific paper per topic.


5.11Five (5) points are allocated for a promoter of a Masters degree on completion of a student’s Masters dissertation.


5.12Ten (10) points are allocated for a promoter of a PhD degree on completion of the student’s PhD thesis.


5.13Council will determine the allocation of points for the following activities:
(a)Formal educational programmes provided by tertiary institutions, registered with the Council for Higher Education leading to a level 6 or higher qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework not related to veterinary work. Provided that proof of enrolment and further information as required be submitted to council together with the annual summary referred to in regulation 8.2; and
(b)the educational and learning programmes including any correspondence course, comprising of audio/video tapes, compact discs or web based packages accessed via printed or electronic format.


5.14Veterinarians that attend an accredited course with the option of completing formal tests evaluating the progress of the attendee, could claim 1,5 times the accredited hours provided tests were passed with a minimum of 60%.

[Regulation 5.14 inserted by section 1 of Notice No. R. 811 dated 12 October 2012]