Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982)


Regulations relating to Continued Professional Development of Para-Veterinary Professions

6. System of point allocation: Other activities

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6(1)One (1) point is allocated to both the instructor and trainee for each week of inpractice training and instruction with a maximum of twenty (20) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle, provided that details of the in-practice training and instruction are recorded.


6(2)One (1) point is allocated for each day of supervision of an undergraduate para-veterinary professional student registered with Council, provided that details of supervision are recorded.


6(3)One (1) point is allocated for every two hours of documented discussion between registered para-veterinary professional colleagues, provided that an attendance register is retained of meetings.


6(4)One (1) point is allocated for every two hours of reading relevant literature with a maximum of fifteen (15) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle, provided that the date, time spent and literature read is recorded.


6(5)One (1) point is allocated for every two hours of participation in any correspondence course, audio/video tape, compact disc or web based package accessed via printed or electronic medium with a maximum of fifteen (15) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle, provided that full details are recorded.


6(6)One (1) point is allocated for each day or part of day of formal lectures and/or practical demonstrations of any non- veterinary or non- para-veterinary course attended to improve personal and/or managerial skills that will assist in providing better service in the para-veterinary professional's related field of work with a maximum of five (5) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle, -provided that the programme is submitted to Council together with the annual summary referred to in regulation 8(2).


6(7)Two (2) points per day or portion of day for attending veterinary and / or para-veterinary related farmers days / information sessions or relevant activities with a maximum of ten (10) points to be accumulated in any three-year cycle.