Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Bulk Water Services

13. Disclosures of Bulk Water Services Providers: Tariffs and accounts

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(1)A WSP must, in its business plan or Water Services Development Plan, disclose the basis for determining its bulk water supply tariffs for the following year, the structure of the tariffs, the projected revenue and the projected costs in a format not substantially different from the tables included in Annexure A and B. For annual tariff adjustment, bulk WSP should complete and submit the proposal to DWS.


(2)A WSP must on its official website show the tariffs for each category of customers as well as any other charges in respect of bulk water supply services.


(3)A WSP, must on every invoice sent to a household, show:—
(a)the water meter number, meter reading, or estimated water meter reading, at the beginning and at the end of the period for which the household is billed;
(b)the first and last date of the period for which the household is being billed;
(c)the water consumed for the period;
(d)the amount charged in respect of each unit of water consumed for the billing period;
(e)the amount charged in respect of fixed and other charges for the billing period being;
(f)any amounts remaining unpaid in respect of previous periods;
(g)any interest accrued in respect of any unpaid amounts;
(h)the total amount due;
(i)the date by which the amount due must be paid; and
(j)the place or accounts and methods by which the payment may be made.