Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

5. Metering and Monitoring

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(1)A bulk WSP must accurately measure all water supplied to another institution or customer for domestic, industrial or other use.


(2)A WSA or WSP must measure, account and keep records of all water supplied to consumers in accordance with the policies of the WSA.


(3)A WSA or WSP may only where applicable measure the effluent discharged into the wastewater reticulation system of that WSA or WSP by individual consumers where water is used primarily for domestic purposes only.


(4)A WSA or WSP must meter the volume and quality of all industrial effluent discharged into the reticulation system of that WSA or WSP that has any of the following characteristics:—
(a)industrial processes that discharge effluent which may contain adverse concentrations of chemicals or other adverse physical characteristics; or
(b)effluent that may cause environment harm; or
(c)effluent that may require special treatment processes or that may incur additional costs at a wastewater treatment works for treating specific chemical and/or physical properties of the effluent.


(5)A WSA or WSP must set limits for concentrations of specific chemicals in the effluent or other adverse physical characteristics of the effluent discharged into the reticulation system, for purposes of determining additional charges for effluent discharge into the wastewater treatment works that are not compliant with the WSA's water use authorisation conditions.


(6)A WSA or WSP must monitor industrial effluent that is discharged into the reticulation system for treatment at a wastewater treatment works.