World Heritage Convention Act, 1999 (Act No. 49 of 1999)


Amended Format and Procedure for Nomination of World Heritage Sites in the Republic of South Africa

5. Part 3: Nomination Dossier for inscription

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Section 6(3) of the WHCA provides that "any person may submit a proposal in writing to the Department or, if it is in existence, the body referred to in subsection (2) for a place in the Republic to be nominated for inclusion on the World Heritage List".


For sites to be considered of Outstanding Universal Value, they must fulfill, Criteria as defined in the Operational Guidelines, condition of Integrity and/or Authenticity, Protection and Management {Legal Protection, Boundaries, Buffer Zones, and Management Systems).


Proponents must take note of the timetable described in Part 4 of this format and procedure. Furthermore, they must interact with the SAWHCC through the Department to ensure compliance.


Nomination Dossiers should follow the format outlined in Annexure 5 of the Operational Guidelines. The nomination process is clearly set out in paragraphs 129 to 151 of the Operational Guidelines.


In addition to complying with the UNESCO format as set out in annexure 5 of the Operational Guidelines, nominations should also include the following:


a. Geographical Data
i. Cadastral description of the area must include:—
Clearly defined core and buffer zone or buffering mechanisms;
GIS diagram;
Written description of the GIS diagram provided;
Title deeds number/s, where these exist; and
Total area in hectares
ii.Highest point (extent, to cover for fly overs)


b.Land Ownership and Tenure

Statement of land ownership and tenure (confirmation letter from the Department responsible for land reform) or title deed.


c.Land use

Statement of land uses (land use rights, mineral right etc.)


d.State of Conservation of the property
(i)Biodiversity Management;
(ii)Cultural property management includes Indigenous Knowledge Systems and traditional and local practices; and
(iii)Current and planned conservation management interventions.



Proof of long term financial commitment from management structures and/or other funders to maintain and conserve the proposed site in a sustainable manner for future use.


g.        Stakeholder Consultation Plan and Report

(i)Letter of consent from the relevant department in the case of state owned land or the owner/s for the inclusion of the property/properties for World Heritage site nomination;
(ii)The Stakeholder Plan should detail ways in which the stakeholders would be engaged, how often and when, the details of the stakeholders to be consulted (Database). The Stakeholders should be informed of the implications of being inside a WHS. The Stakeholder Report should outline, the outcomes of the stakeholder engagement meetings, concerns raised, expectations from the Stakeholders. Proof of stakeholder consultation should be attached (minutes/ reports and signed attendance registers); and
(iii)Arrangement and plan for continuous involvement of stakeholder's post inscription of the property.


h.Protection and Management Arrangement

Existing management arrangement (Joint Steering Committee in case of serial nominations). National protection in terms of NEMPAA (Natural Properties) and NHRA (Cultural Properties) are a requirement.


i.Socio- economic and tourism benefits

A study on socio-economic and tourism benefits to the local community is a requirement. The study should identify potential socio-economic opportunities that can take place in or around the proposed World Heritage Properties for the benefit of the local community. Methodology used to substantiate the information contained in the study should be provided. The study should be subjected to stakeholder consultation.


j.Linkages with other programmes of Government, International Conventions and Programmes
(i)Contribution to the system of protected areas in South Africa;
(ii)Does the area contribute to national priority areas?
(iii)Clear Indication on whether the proposed property overlaps with any sites declared in terms of other International Conventions i.e CBD, Man and Biosphere, Ramsar and Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA's)
(iv)Other UNESCO cultural conventions
(v)Objectives and priorities captured in national (e.g. National Development Plan, Climate Change), regional (e.g. SADC, AU) and/or international instruments (African World Heritage Fund, bilateral agreements and treaties).


k.Integrated Management Plan (IMP)

The proponent of a World Heritage Site must submit a draft integrated Management Plan as an annexure to the nomination dossier in line with format as outlined in the Operational Guidelines as well as section 24 of the WHCA.


I.Requirements for the nomination of Trans-boundary properties and Serial properties

Submission of the Trans-boundary properties and Serial properties should be in line with the above mentioned requirements as well as those set out on section lll.C of the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention