Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008)


Guidelines to be followed by the National Consumer Commission in assessing applications for accreditation of consumer protection groups in terms of section 78 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (The CPA)

Accreditation Application Form: Consumer Protection Group

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N1366 National Consumer Commission application form


Accreditation Application Form: Consumer Protection Group


Accreditation and certification

The National Consumer Commission (NCC) and/ or  its delegated structure shall give a written assurance and formal recognition that the applicant's application conforms to the specific requirements of Section 78 of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and is capable of carrying out the required tasks by issuing an accreditation certificate to an accredited consumer protection group

Governing operating procedures  and quality assurance

The NCC and/ or its delegated structure shall have an oversight over the applicant with regard to execution of function rerated to the CPA and the associated consumer programs, by way of monitoring the effectiveness of any accredited consumer protection group.

Name of the applicant

Domicilium Citandi (Business Address) of the applicant

Statement of Purpose

The applicant must outline the statement of purpose to assist the NCC to easily determine and ascertain if the applicant is fit for purpose in terms of Section 78 of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA).

Scope of accreditation application

The applicant must indicate if they apply for accreditation for specific category of consumers or all consumers in general in terms of section 78(3) (a) of the CPA.

Overview of the capacity, expertise, experience and skills

The applicant must provide an overview of the capacity, expertise and the requisite skills and experience that they have

Terms of accreditation

The  applicant must demonstrate if they have the resources to carry out its functions in terms of Section 78(1) and (2) of the CPA. The resources must  include infrastructure and financial resources

Governance and the structure of the applicant

What is the governance structure of the applicant? Is the applicant fit for purpose to be a consumer ambassador in line with the CPA and the applicable consumer regulations? Is the applicant a going concern without and free from any potential insolvency cases?

Certification & accreditation by other bodies

Is the applicant certified and/or accredited with other bodies/agencies?

Business plans and financial plans

Seeking accreditation requires commitment, planning, knowledge and resources. How will the applicant execute/ fulfil its role as consumer protection group in terms of the CPA? What is the allocated budget and what are its plans for carrying out its functions as an accredited consumer protection group? What is its financial model?

Organizational structure

Conflict of interests

Any conflict of interests must to be declared by the applicant. As a condition preceding accreditation. All the applicant's directors and officers must familiarize themselves with the NCC Conflict of Interest Policy.

Anti-fraud and anti-corruption statement

Description of planned activities

Procedure and process

To explain how the applicant will pursue the any matter on behalf of consumers

History of dealing with historical disadvantaged consumers


Mention annexures that support this accreditation application, e.g financial statements, constitution, statement by chairperson, COO or other person in charge of operations, resolution of its members and list of resources,