Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977)

Chapter 9 : Bail

62. Court may add further conditions of bail

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Any court before which a charge is pending in respect of which bail has been granted, may at any stage, whether the bail was granted by that court or any other court, on application by the prosecutor, add any further condition of bail—

(a)with regard to the reporting in person by the accused at any specified time and place to any specified person or authority;
(b)with regard to any place to which the accused is forbidden to go;
(c)with regard to the prohibition of or control over communication by the accused with witnesses for the prosecution;
(d)with regard to the place at which any document may be served on him under this Act;
(e)which, in the opinion of the court, will ensure that the proper administration of justice is not placed in jeopardy by the release of the accused;
(f)which provides that the accused shall be placed under the supervision of a probation officer or a correctional official.

[Section 62(f) inserted by section 38 of Act No. 122 of 1991]