Chapter 9 : Bail

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58. Effect of bail

59. Bail before first appearance of accused in lower court

59A. Attorney-general may authorise release on bail

60. Bail application of accused in court

61. [Repealed]

62. Court may add further conditions of bail

63. Amendment of conditions of bail

63A. Release or amendment of bail conditions of accused on account of prison conditions

64. Proceedings with regard-to bail and conditions to be recorded in full

65. Appeal to superior court with regard to bail

65A. Appeal by attorney-general against decision of court to release accused on bail

66. Failure by accused to observe condition of bail

67. Failure of accused on bail to appear

67A. Criminal liability of a person who is on bail on the ground of failure to appear or to comply with a condition of bail

68. Cancellation of bail

68A. Cancellation of bail at request of accused

69. Payment of bail money by third person

70. Remission of bail money

71. [Repealed]