Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977)

Chapter 9 : Bail

67A. Criminal liability of a person who is on bail on the ground of failure to appear or to comply with a condition of bail

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Any person who has been released on bail and who fails without good cause to appear on the date and at the place determined for his or her appearance, or to remain in attendance until the proceedings in which he or she must appear have been disposed of, or who fails without good cause to comply with a condition of bail imposed by the court in terms of section 60 or 62, including an amendment or supplementation thereof in terms of section 63, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine or to imprisonment not exceeding one year.


[Section 67A inserted by section 9 of Act No. 75 of 1995]