Financial Sector Regulation Act, 2017 (Act No. 9 of 2017)

Chapter 10 : Enforcement

Part 6 : Leniency agreements

156. Leniency agreements

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(1)The responsible authority for a financial sector law may, in exchange for a person's co-operation in an investigation or in proceedings in relation to conduct that contravenes or may contravene that law, enter into a leniency agreement with the person, which may provide that the responsible authority undertakes not to impose an administrative penalty on the person in respect of the conduct.


(2)A leniency agreement with a person may provide that the agreement also applies to—
(a)specified persons in the service of, or acting on behalf of, the person; or
(b)specified partners and associates of the person.


(3)The responsible authority may not enter into a leniency agreement with a person unless it is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, having regard, among other matters, to—
(a)the nature and effect of the contravention concerned;
(b)the nature and extent of the person’s involvement in the contravention; and
(c)the extent of the person’s co-operation.


(4)The responsible authority that enters into a leniency agreement must publish it, unless the responsible authority determines that the publication may—
(a)create an unjustifiable risk to the safety of a person; or
(b)prejudice an investigation into a contravention of a law.


(5)The responsible authority that enters into a leniency agreement may, by notice to the person with whom it entered into the agreement, terminate the agreement—
(a)if the person agrees;
(b)if the person gave the responsible authority false or misleading information in relation to entering into the agreement;
(c)if the person has failed to comply with the agreement; or
(d)in circumstances specified in the agreement.