Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)


Standard Institutional Statute, 2018

Chapter 5 : Council

16. Term of office

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(1) The Principal and the Vice-Principals are members of Council for as long as they remain in their posts.


(2) The term of office of representatives of the SRC is the same as that of the SRC that appointed them.


(3) The term of office of all other members is four years: Provided that a member’s term of office that has expired may be extended for a maximum period of six months by the Council if, according to the Council, special circumstances so demand.


(4) Members, whose terms of office have expired, may be re-elected or reappointed.


(5) A Council member’s membership is terminated—
(a) if the Council member fails to attend three consecutive ordinary meetings of the Council without Council’s consent;
(b) if the Council member is sequestrated;
(c) if the Council member is found guilty of a crime that in the exclusive opinion of the Council is of such a serious nature that the member’s continued membership of Council is not desirable;
(d) if the Council member is elected or appointed by a particular interest group and the Council member’s membership of, or association with the interest group is terminated;
(e) if the Council rules that a conflict of interest has arisen or that it may arise, such as being a council member or student of another higher education institution in South Africa; or
(f) if the Council member has transgressed Council’s rules of conduct.


(6) Apart from the Principal, Vice-Principals, representatives of the Senate and employee representatives and students appointed in terms of paragraph 17(3) to serve on Council, no other Council member shall be a permanent or temporary staff member or student of the University, and should this happen, such Council member’s membership of the Council terminates immediately.


(7) Any person who has been a member of a council of a public higher education institution against whom an independent assessor has made an adverse finding, or has been implicated in a matter that will be to the detriment of the University’s name, shall not be eligible for appointment, election, reappointment or re election as a member of the Council of the University.


(8) Any person who is not in good standing with the University shall not be eligible for appointment, election, reappointment or re-election as a member of the Council of the University.


(9) A Council member is entitled at any time to submit his or her resignation in writing to the Chairperson of Council.