Immigration Regulations, 2014

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Notice No. R. 413 of 2014

1. Definitions

2. Passports

3. Permanent homosexual or heterosexual relationship

4. Appointment of individual persons to Board by Minister

5. Operations of Board

6. Admission and departure

7. Representations to Director-General or Minister

8. Place of entry or exit

9. Visas to temporarily sojourn in Republic

10. Port of entry visas and transit visas

11. Visitor's visa

12. Study visa

13. Treaty visa

14. Business visa

15. Crew visa

16. Medical treatment visa

17. Relative's visa

18. Work visa

19. Retired person visa

20. Corporate visa

21. Exchange visa

22. Asylum transit visa

23. Permanent residence

24. Residence on other grounds

25. Application for proof of permanent residence...

26. Prohibited persons

27. Undesirable persons

28. Exemption

29. Waiver of prescribed requirements

30. Illegal foreigners

31. Immigration Officers

32. Inspectorate

33. Arrest, detention and deportation...

34. Duties with regard to conveyances

35. Employment

36. Keeping of registers...

37. Identification

38. Other institutions

39. Administrative offences

40. Change of address

41. Repeal

42. Short title and commencement
