Inquests Act, 1959 (Act No. 58 of 1959)

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1. Definitions

2. Duty to report deaths

3. Investigation of circumstances of certain deaths

4. Report to public prosecutor

5. When inquest to be held

6. Judicial officer who is to hold inquest

6A. Multiple deaths which are connected

7. Notice of inquest to be given

8. Witnesses and evidence at inquests

9. Assessors at inquests

10. When inquest to be held in public

11. Examiniation of witnesses

12. Adjournment of inquest, and continuation by different judicial officer

13. Admissibility of declarations and interrogatories

14. Copies of records of inquiries

15. Taking evidence on commission

16. Finding

17. Submission of record to attorney-general

17A. Re-opening of inquest

18. Certain findings on review equivalent to orders that death should be presumed

19. Inquest records

20. Offences in connection with inquests

21. Inquest not to prevent

22. Regulations

23. Savings

24. Repeal of laws

25. Repealed

26. Short title and date of commencement