Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council of SA Leather Industry

Tanning Section

Collective Agreement

9. Termination of employment

9.1. Notice

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(1) An employer or employee will give at least one week’s notice in writing of their intention to terminate their contract of employment. Such notice will consist of 5 working days and will take effect from the date on which it is given. They may agree to a longer notice provided that the period of notice apply equally to both employer and employee.


(2) Shorter notice is possible in the following circumstances:
(a) An employee may give notice of one day where he has been working short-time for more than two consecutive days in a week.
(b) An employer or employee may give notice of one day during the first two weeks of employment of an employee who has no previous experience in the industry.


(3) An employer who does not need the employee to work during the notice period may pay him instead of notice.


(4) The notice period may not fall within the annual leave period.


(5) An employee who is dismissed without notice will be paid a full week’s pay instead of notice, unless the employee was dismissed for a cause recognised by law as sufficient.


(6) [Clause 9(9.1)(6) deleted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 1393, GG42807, dated 30 October 2019]