Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry

KwaZulu Natal

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Part 2

Annexure B

6. Year-End Bonus

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6.1. It is agreed to implement an incentive scheme as follows:

Year  1- 1 week

Year 2 - 1 week

Year 3 - 1 week

Year 4 - 1 week


The 1 week is in addition to the 15 working days leave pay.


The incentive scheme shall be operated as follows:


-The 1 week bonus shall be pro-rata for employees joining during the year;
-Absenteeism will be the only basis and proxy used as a measurement in the incentive scheme;
-Absenteeism will be measured from 1 September of each year to factory closure;
-Employees will earn 1 week's additional wage for 100% attendance;
-In the event of absence due to illness the employee will not be deemed to be absent in the following cases:
oThe employee produces a certificate:
signed  by a  registered medical practitioner;
issued by the clinic confirming dates of collection of chronic medication;
oA certificate issued by the clinic and accepted on a medical basis by the Employer;


The 1 week incentive bonus shall be paid directly to employees at year end.


[Part 2 Annexure B(6) substituted by section 5 of Notice No. R. 5680, GG51764, dated 13 December 2024]