Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council of SA Leather Industry

Administration Expenses Collective Agreement to Non-parties

Extension of Administration Expenses Collective Agreement to Non-parties

Annexure A : Exemptions and Exemptions Appeal Policy and Procedure

5. The Exemptions Mandate

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5.1The Exemptions Committee is mandated by the Council to consider all party and non-party applications for exemption from the collective agreements concluded in the Bargaining Council.


5.2The Exemptions Committee may delegate any of its functions or duties to a District Committee or any other committee of the Council as the case may be.


5.3The Exemptions Committee will consider and determine applications for exemption in a manner it considers appropriate to determine the application fairly and quickly, which may be limited to a consideration of written motivations or the hearing of oral submissions as the case may be.


5.4The Exemptions Committee, when considering an application for exemption must take into account the exemption criteria.


5.5The Exemptions Committee shall have the power to approve, refuse, partly approve or withdraw an application for exemption


5.6The Exemptions Committee, on not approving an application or part thereof or withdrawing an exemption must provide the Applicant with written reasons for its decision.


[Annexure A(5) inserted by section 4(4.2) of Notice No. R. 1764, GG45931, dated 18 February 2022]