Legal Deposit Act, 1997 (Act No. 54 of 1997)


Legal Deposit Regulations

Part X : Deposit of Official Publications

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27. Official publications depositories shall be entitled to receive a copy of each official publication published in South Africa. The official publications depositories shall give free access without charge to these documents, and to official publications in electronic format as well as to official on-line information that is made available to the public. The MEC may approve access from other centres, such as community centres, to an official publications depository which allow free on-line access to the information of official publications depositories.


28. Each official publications depository should acquire the core collection as approved by the Legal Deposit Committee. In addition, official publications depositories may select official publications according to the needs of its users, with particular emphasis on selecting publications emanating from their province. In the case of more than one official publications depository in a province, they should enter into an agreement regarding division of responsibility in collecting publications emanating from that province. They should make prior arrangements with publishers of documents they do not wish to receive.


[Part X inserted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 484 of 2001]